How to Lower Electric Bill in Winter?

lower electric bill in winter

Winter has come and the energy bill causes a nightmare for many people, which is why they try to learn how to lower the electric bill in winter. And there are many ways that can help you achieve that goal and save some money to spend on other aspects of life and provide for yourself and … Read more

Energy Peak Shaver Review

energy peak shaver review

Is the Energy Peak Shaver legit, or is it another hoax that cannot really save you up to 67% on electric bill? This is what a friend asked me as I have more than ten years of experience as an electrical engineer and energy manager. And after researching the program and watching the sales video, … Read more

Why Do Energy Companies Charge Different Rates?

why different energy rates

There are many reasons why energy companies charge different rates from one another, and from one location to another or from one segment of consumers to another. Some of these reasons are related to the companies themselves, and some are out of their control. I’m an electrical engineer with more than a decade of experience … Read more

15 Best Devices to Lower Your Electric Bill

devices to lower electric bill

Life is getting harder and you need more money to spend on different aspects of life and different services, which might be a good reason to start looking for the best devices to lower your electric bill. Don’t worry! I’m an electrical engineer and certified energy manager with more than ten years of experience, and I … Read more

Volcano Power Plant Review

volcano power plant review

Can you tab into this secret energy source and reduce your electric bill to zero? Or is the Volcano Power Plant a hoax? Because I’m an electrical engineer, someone asked me this question, and I decided to research the program and see what others say, so that I write this unbiased Volcano Power Plant review for you … Read more

What Costs The Most on Your Electric Bill?

what costs most electricity

Knowing what costs the most on your electric bill can help you optimize you energy consumption in order to lower your expenses and keep more money to spend on other aspects of your life. I am an electrical engineer with more than a decade of experience, and I decided to write this list in order … Read more

Do Electric Bills Affect Credit Score?

do electric bills affect credit

Does electric bill affect your credit score? Does it build credit if you pay it on-time, and does it hurt your credit if you don’t? What has changed in the past few years that others may not tell you? And if power bill does affect your credit, then how to deal with it in order … Read more

Energy2Green Review

energy2green review

Can someone really create a hybrid power plant with solar panels and a wind turbine for less than $200, and use it to supply electricity to the house and cut up to 80% of the bill, or is the Energy 2 Green system a scam? This is what I was asked because I’m an electrical … Read more

Do LED Lights Use Less Energy?

do led lights use less energy

Changing from CFL, incandescent, or halogen bulbs into LED bulbs is a popular advice that you find whenever you look for ways to lower your lighting bill. But is it really a good advice? Do LED lights use less energy? Or is it another myth that is being used in order to sell you products that … Read more